the three words

Issey Miyake


His works are very geometric, and many of the works are composed of many basic graphics. The transformation of the basic graphics to form the final product. So his design has a beauty of  fluctuate . 


the reason why i choose this word is that transformation represents the style of the designer. the transformation of the basic graphics to consist of a complex style work.


many works of the designer has curved lines. designer use curved line to create many beautiful works. 

Louise Bourgeois


this word is inspired by the sulpture of spider, the legs of the spider very spiky . like want to impale something, so I choose the impale.


this work is inspires by the spider itself , because spider is a very contradictory animals , they have so tiny body but have huge legs . it is a very contradictory animals  


Maman is a steel spider that Bourgeois has said is representative of her industrious mother, who spent her days repairing, restoring, and reweaving. Although the spider is representative of her mother, it is also representative of Louise herself, who is spinning her own web, and pulling art out of herself.


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